Rising Sun > Basic information > Visa > Working Holiday Visa

Working Holiday Visa

The working holiday programs is a great program that some partner countries and Japan would issue "Working Holiday Visa" to a nation of the partner countries who are young people with global perspective and enhance friendly relationship between Japan and partner countries. The program would provid some opportunities for the young people to live in Japan for one year.

If Working Holiday Visa is issued, you can stay in Japan for one year and work and travel everywhere in Japan. So it would be possible that you work weekday and you travel every weekend, and you can enjoy Japanese job and every Japanese cultures by your Japanese life, which is a same life style as general Japanese!

Travel in Japan
Where are the famous places for traveling around in Japan? This page shows some kinds of tourist attractions and some tourist resorts. So please check out these pages before your travel.
Working in Japan
This page describes indigenous Employment Style to Japan, Visa, Working Hours each day by our immigration status, the reasons of illegal working and so on. It would be better to look over this page before working in Japan.

If you have a citizen of Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Korea, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom, and your age is under 30 years old, please visit the website of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan to check the detail of the program.

Please refer to the below website.

The Working Holiday Programmes in Japan
It's the page written about Working Holiday Visa on the website of The ministry of Forgin Affairs of Japan

When you decide to visit Japan by the program, it's better to apply hurry as much as you can. Because of the amount of the Visa depends on an arrangement between Japanese government and partner country's government. So, please check about the amount and application and conditions on the website of embassy of Japan in each country.

Please refer to the below website of the embassy of Japan in each country.

Embassy of Japan in Canada
It's the page written about Worpking Holiday Program of Embassy of Japan in Canada.
Embassy of Japan in Australia
It's the page written about Worpking Holiday Program of Embassy of Japan in Australia.
Embassy of Japan in New Zealand
It's the page written about Worpking Holiday Program of Embassy of Japan in New Zealand.
Embassy of Japan in the UK
It's the page written about Worpking Holiday Program of Embassy of Japan in the UK.
Botschaft von Japan in Deutschland
It's the website of Embassy of Japan in Germany.
Embassy of Japan in Korea
It's the website of Embassy of Japan in Korea.
Ambassade du Japan en France
It's the website of Embassy of Japan in France.